
 admin   2022-08-22 18:32   118 人阅读  0 条评论

1. Today we’re going to study…/Today let’s study lesson …
2.First let’s revise the last lesson.
3.Please close your books.
4.I’ll give you an example./Here’s an example.
5.What does ________ mean? / What’s the meaning of _______?
6.How do you say_______ in Chinese? / How do you say _______ in English?
7.Who can give me an example?
8.Who can translate this sentence?
9.Please open your books and turn to page ____
10.This half is A, this half is B.
11.Please repeat after me.
12. Please answer my question.
13.Please put your hand up.
14. This half ask questions, this half answer questions.
15.Practise the dialogue in pairs.
16.Don’t look at the textbook. Look at your partner when you speak.
17. Please swap roles./ Please swap over. /Please change over.
18. Who wants to have a go?
19. Please stand up.
20.Please sit down.
21.Please speak more loudly. / … speak up.
22.Please hurry up. / A bit quicker please.
23.Please start. / Please begin.
24.Please stop.
25. Please continue.
26.Very good. / Well done.
27. Excellent.
28.Don’t be shy.
29.Don’t be afraid. / Don’t be scared.
30.Don’t worry about making a mistake.
31.Are you ready?
32.Let’s get started.
33.Let’s do exercise two. Let’s practise …
34.Hurry up吧!
35.Quiet, please.
36.Get on with your work.
37.Open your books at page …
38.It’s on page …
39.Share with …
40.Could you start reading, please?
41.Go on reading, please.
42.Now it’s your turn.
43.What’s the English/Chinese for …?
44.Please repeat it.
45.Mind the spelling.
46. Come up to the blackboard, please.
47. Go to the blackboard, please.
48. Bring me your homework, please.
49. That’s nearly right.
50. I’m afraid that’s not quite right.
51. I’m afraid that’s wrong.
52. Try again.
53. That’s much better.
54. Give out / hand out…
55. Have you finished?
56. That’s it.
57. That’s all for now.
58. Bye for now吧!

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