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Starter Unit1 Good morning.
1. 凌晨(早上)/下午/夜晚好吖。Good
morning/afternoon/evening.语也相似吖。在熟人或者亲属之中可省掉good吖。熟人之中的寒暄可加之称谓语,称谓语放在寒暄语以后且用逗号离隔吖。如Good morning , class拉!同学们,早安!△Good night拉!晚安(晚间告辞用语)
2. Hello, Frank拉! 你好,弗兰克吖。
3. A: How are you? 你(身体)好吧?
B: (I’m) fine/Very well/I’m OK. Thank you./Thanks. How are you? / And you? 我很好吖。谢谢吖。你吧?
A: (I’m) fine/OK, too. 我也很好吖。
4. thanks = thank you 谢谢
5. HB(铅笔芯)硬黑
Starter Unit2 What’s this in English?
1. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么吧?
It’s a/an + 单数物品 (△不说This/That is...)
1)—What’s this/that? 这/那是什么吧?
—It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺吖。
2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么吧?
It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果吖。
2. What’s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎样说吧?
It’s a/an + 单数物品 (△不说This/That is...)
What’s this in English? 这用英语怎样说吧?
It’s a jacket. 茄克衫
What’s that in English? 那用英语怎样说吧?
It’s an orange. 橘子吖。
in + 语言用某种语言
in Chinese/English/Japanese用汉/英/日语
英语中还可用What’s the English for….?讲明一样的含意吖。
What’s the English for直尺吧?直尺用英语怎样说吧?
It’s a ruler. 是ruler吖。
3. a 和an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表现“一阿”吖。a用在以辅音音素最先的单词前拉;an用在以元音音素最先的单词前吖。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不-是指字母吖。如
a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔 (/p/为辅音音素) a UFO
an orange /'ɒrindʒ/ 一位桔子 (/ɒ/为元音音素)
There/s an“l阿”and a“u阿”in the word “blue阿”.
4. P 停车场拉;停车位
NBA (美国)天下篮协会
kg 千克 拉;千克
5. Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 请拼读她吖。
K – E - Y.
Spell “pen阿”, please. = Please spell pen. 请拼读“pen阿”吖。
P – E - N.
Starter Unit3 What color is it?
1. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么吧?
It’s V. 这是V吖。
2. 色What color is/are?
1) What color is + 单数名词吧?It’s /It is + 色.
2) What color are + 复数名词吧?They’re/They are + 色.

1) What color is the key?(这把)钥匙是什么色的吧?
It’s (It is)yellow. (她是)的吖。
2) What color are the keys? 这些钥匙是什么色的吧?
They’re (They are) red.(她们)是血色的吖。
3. color
1) n.色
2) v. 给着色,把染成某种色
color sth + 色把某物涂成……色
Color the pencil red. 把铅笔涂成血色吖。
4. It’s black and white. 她是是非色的吖。
5. S 小号的
M 中号的
L 大号的
UFO 不明飞翔物
CCTV 祖国***电视台
UN 结合国
6. The key is yellow. 钥匙是的吖。
The是定冠词,表现“这(个),那(个),这些,那些阿” ,在元音音素前读/ ði: /,在辅音音素前读/ ðə /吖。她能够用在名词前,表现特指谈话双方都知道的人或者物,或者上文提到的人或者物吖。
1) The book on the desk is mine. 桌子上的书是我的吖。(特指)
2) Where is the teacher? 导师在哪吧?(双方都知道)
3) He has a pen, the pen is black. 他有支钢笔,钢笔是黑色的吖。(指上文提到的东西)
Unit1 My name’s Gina.
1. 推荐我My name’s+名字 我的名字叫
I’m+名字 我是
2. 讯名字
1) What’s your name? 你叫什么名字吧?
Alan艾伦吖。/ My name’s Alan. 我的名字叫艾伦吖。/I’m Alan. 我叫艾伦吖。
2) What’s his name? 他叫什么名字吧?
His name’s Eric. 他的名字叫埃里克吖。/He’s Eric. 他叫埃里克吖。( He’s = He is )
3) What’s her name? 他叫什么名字吧?
Her name’s Mary. 他的名字叫玛丽吖。/She’s Mary. 他叫玛丽吖。 ( She’s = She is )
3. Nice to meet you. 看见你很开心吖。(首次见面用语吖。)
回覆Nice to meet you. 或者Nice to meet you, too.
4. How do you do? 你好!回覆How do you do? 你好!
5. Mr ,Mrs ,Miss 和Ms
Mr ['mistə(r)] 帅哥
Miss [mis] 美人,美人拉;(年轻未婚女子)
Mrs ['misiz] 太太拉;夫人(用于已婚主妇名字前)
Ms. [miz] 美人
6. Is he Jack? 他是杰克吧?
Yes, he is. 是的,他是吖。
No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. 不,他不-是吖。他的名字叫迈克吖。
7. Are you Helen? 你是海伦吧?
Yes, I am.是的,我是吖。/ No, I’m not. I’m Gina. 不,我不-是吖。我是吉娜吖。
8. 英尤物的名字与祖国人的名字顺着纪律反以前,名在前,姓在后吖。如Jim Green, 名是Jim,姓是Green吖。
△名字first name(第一位名字)或者 given name
姓氏last name(最终的名字)或者family name(家-族的名字)
全名full name
9. 电话号码What’s your/his/her telephone number?
It’s + 号码.
10. is/am/are的用法
I用am, you用are.
1) I am 14, how old are you? 我14岁,你多大了吧?
2) He/She is a student.他/他是个學生吖。What color is it?
3) The key is yellow.钥匙是的吖。
4)He and I are students. 他和我全是學生吖。
11. ID card 身分证 school ID card 學生证
12. Three and five is eight. 三加五即是八吖。
What’s nine and seven? 九加七即是几吧?
Unit2 This is my sister.
1. parent: father or mother 父亲或者母亲
parents: father and mother父母(双)亲
2. 推荐他人
1) This / That is这/那位是
2)These / Those are这/那些是
This is my friend Jane.这(位)是我的同伴简
That is my grandfather. 那(位)是我的祖父吖。
These are my brothers. 这些是我的堂兄弟吖。
Those are my parents. 那些是我的父母吖。
3. 指点代词
this / these 这/这些吖。一样平常用来指时刻或者空-间上较近的东西吖。
that / those 那/那些吖。一样平常用来指时刻或者空-间上较远的东西吖。
4. This is my friend. 复数These are my friends.
That is my brother. 复数Those are my brothers.
5. Who’s she? 他是谁吧?She’s my sister. 他是我妹妹吖。
Who’s he? 他是谁吧?He’s my brother. 他是我老哥吖。
Who’re they? 你们是谁吧?They’re my grandparents. 你们是我的祖父母吖。
Who’s = Who is拉;
Who’re = Who are拉;
She’s = She is拉;
He’s = He is拉;
They’re =They are
6. Oh, I see. 哦,我明确了吖。
7. Have a good day拉! 愿你们(一天)玩得开心!该句用于讲明祝愿,祝愿对方一天里有好的心绪和解运吖。Day还可用morning, afternoon,evening等词语取代吖。
Have a good evening, you two拉! 祝你们俩夜晚玩个疼快!
8. You, too. 你(们)也一样吖。
9. Bye / Bye-bye / Good-bye 再见
10. thanks = thank you 谢谢
11. the photo of your family = your family photo
12.Here are two nice photos of my family. 这有两张我亲属的美丽 照片吖。
Here are …表现“这是……拉;这(儿)有……阿”,用于推荐或者引入话题,也可用Here is … 来表现单数的观点吖。
Here is your book. 这是你的书吖。
13. family
2) 指全家时是一位所有观点,是单数吖。
如: The family is rich.这个全家很富足吖。
His family is a big family. 他的全家是个我们庭吖。
2) 指亲属时是复数,由于她指全家成员吖。
Our family all like playing football. 咋们家的人(全家成员)喜欢踢吖。
My family are watching TV at home. 我亲属现在家看电视吖。
14. family tree 家谱(全家关系图)
male 男拉;female 女
15.名词复数(English book, Page94.)
1) 一样平常情形在词尾加-s ,清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/吖。如book----books /buks/ desk---desks /desks/ bag----bags /bægz/ game----games /geimz/ key----keys /ki:z/
2) 以s, x, sh, ch,等结尾的词加-es,读/iz/. 如
bus----buses /bʌsiz/ box----boxes /bɒksiz/ fish----fishes /’fiʃiz/ watch----watches /’wɒtʃiz/
3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-es吖。读/z/吖。如
family----families baby----babies party----parties strawberry----strawberries
4) 以f或者fe结尾的词
①变f或者fe为ves,读/vz/吖。该类词有knife刀,life性命,wife妻子,self我,leaf叶 子,thief贼,half一半,wolf狼,等等吖。
③两种都能够的有handkerchief手绢----handkerchiefs / handkerchieves
①以“辅音字母+o阿”结尾的词,有性命的加-es,如potato----potatoes,tomato----tomatoes, hero英雄----heroes拉;无性命的加-s,如photo----photos, kilo----kilos, piano----pianos
②以“元音字母+o阿” 结尾的词,加-s,如radio----radios, zoo----zoos
man--men男子,woman--women美人,a man teacher- two men teachers,foot--feet脚,tooth-- teeth牙齿,mouse--mice老鼠,child--children孩子,deer---deer鹿,sheep--sheep绵羊,Russian---Russians俄国人,German---Germans德国人,American--- Americans美国人,Chinese--- Chinese祖国人,Japanese--- Japanese日自己,Swiss--- Swiss瑞士人
Unit3 Is this your pencil?
1. 人称代词和物主代词
1) 人称代词做主语时用主格拉;做宾语时用宾格拉;做表语时用主格或者宾格,但在书面语中经常使用宾格吖。
① I(做主语)am hungry, please give me(做宾语)something to eat. 我饿了,请给我一些食的东-西吖。
② I like her, and she likes me , too. 我喜欢他,他也喜欢我吖。
③ Who told him that news? 谁通知他哪个新闻的吧?
④ It’s me/I. 是我吖。
2) 并列人称代词的排列顺着纪律人称代词在并列使用时,单数的顺着纪律是第两人称→第三人称→第一人称拉;复数的顺着纪律是第一人称→第两人称→第三人称吖。
you, he, and I 你,我,他
you and I我和你
he and I 我和他
you and he 你和他
we and you 咋们和你们
you and they 你们和你们
we, you and they咋们,你们和你们
3) 形容词性物主代词装饰名词,必须放在名词前面,十分于形容词,在句中做定语吖。名词性物主代词十分于名词(即指代名词,以后不行以再加名词),在句中做主语.表语或者宾语吖。
This is your ruler, it is not mine.这是你的尺子,不-是我的吖。
2. Is this/that? 这/那是吧?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 是的,这/那(她)是吖。/ 不,这/那(她)不-是吖。
△回覆时,要用it来取代this和that吖。不行回覆Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isn’t.
1)Is this your pencil ?这是你的铅笔吧?
Yes, it is. It’s mine是的,她是我的(铅笔)吖。
No, it isn’t. It’s hers. 不,不-是的吖。这是他的(铅笔)
2)Is that your schoolbag? 那是你的书包吧?
Yes, it is. It’s mine. 是的,她是我的(书包)吖。
No, it isn’t. It’s his. 不,不-是的吖。那是他的(书包)
It’s = It is isn’t = is not
3. Are these/those… ? 这/那些是……吧?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 是的,这/那些(她们)是吖。/ 不,这/那些(她们)不-是吖。
△回覆时,要用they来取代these和those吖。不行回覆Yes, these / those are / No, these / those aren’t.
1) Are these your books? 这些是你的书吧?
Yes, they are.是的,这些(她们)是吖。
No, they aren’t. They are hers. 不,这些(她们)不-是吖。这些是他的(书)吖。
2) Are those her keys? 那些是他的钥匙吧?
Yes, they are.是的,那些(她们)是吖。
No, they aren’t. They are mine. 不,那些(她们)不-是吖。那些是我的(书)吖。
aren’t = are not
4. Excuse me. 请包容/打扰了(客套语,用于他人疑.请他人帮助.打断他人谈话等场所吖。)
Sorry/I’m sorry. “对不起,抱-歉阿”(用于向他人表现歉意)
A: Excuse me. Where is my pen? 打扰了,我的钢笔在那吧?
B: Sorry/I’m sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道吖。
5. What / how about …? “……怎样吧?阿” “……又怎么样吧?阿”吖。后接名词,代词或者动名词吖。
How about going out for a walk? 进去散漫步好吧?
What about another cake? 再吃块蛋糕好吧?
What about her playing the violin? (你以为)他的小提琴拉的怎样吧?
What about the TV play? 哪个电视剧怎样吧?
3) 讯天气或者身体等情形吖。比如
What about the weather in your home town? 你们家乡的天气怎么样吧?
How about your uncle now? You can’t leave him by himself. 你叔叔最近身体好吧?你们不行以独自让他生涯吖。
4) 寒暄时用做承接左右文的更改语吖。比如
I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你吧?
5) 对所述说的情形做出反,常赋予对方一种表现吖。比如
——My memory is good. I’ve never forgotten anything.我的回忆力很好,从不遗忘什么吖。
——What about that time you left your key to the office at home?那次你将办公室的钥匙忘在家里算是怎样回事呀吧?
6. thanks / thank you for 因而谢谢
for是介词,后接n/pron/v-ing. (名词.代词.动名词)
Thanks for the photo of your family. 谢谢你的全家福照片吖。
Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮-助我吖。
Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮-助吖。
7. 怎么样用英语表现谢谢
It‘s very kind of you. 你太好了,多谢你了吖。
Thank you. 谢谢你吖。
Thank you very much. 十分谢谢吖。
Thank you very much indeed. 真是太谢谢你了吖。
Thanks. 谢谢吖。
Thanks a lot. 多谢吖。
Thanks very much. 十分谢谢吖。
Thanks so much. 十分谢谢吖。
Many thanks. 多谢吖。
Not at all. 别客套拉;没必-要谢拉;哪儿的话吖。
You are welcome. 没必-要谢吖。
That‘s all right. 没什么拉;没必-要谢吖。
That‘s OK. 没什么拉;没必-要谢吖。
Please don‘t mention it. 没必-要客套拉;没必-要谢吖。
It‘s [It was] a pleasure. 没必-要客套拉;没必-要谢吖。
A pleasure. 没必-要客套拉;没必-要谢吖。
It is (was) my pleasure. 别客套,这是我开心做的吖。
My pleasure. 不客套,这是我开心做的事吖。
No problem. 不客套拉;没必-要谢吖。
It‘s [It was] nothing. 没什么拉;不客套吖。
8. How do you spell? 你怎样拼写/读……吧?
A: How do you spell“red阿”? B: R-E-D.
Spell it, please. 请把她拼写进去吖。
Can you spell it, please? 请把她拼写进去好吧?
Do you know how to spell it? 你知道她怎么样拼写吧?
9. ask for…. 乞求/要…… 如I’ll ask for two pencils. 我将要两支铅笔吖。
ask sb for sth 向某人乞求/要某物 ask the teacher for help 向导师乞求帮-助
10. call sb at + 电话号码“拨打号码找某人阿”
Call Alan at 495-3539.拨打495-3539找艾伦
11. E-mail me at maryg2@gfimail.com. (请)给我maryg2@gfimail.com这个邮箱发邮件吖。
1)at 放在电子邮箱的位置或者电话号码等前面,表现“依照……拉;根据……阿”
12. I must find it. 我必须找出她吖。
13. a set of 一套/副/串
a set of keys 一串钥匙
a set of做句子的主语时,应看做一位所有,谓语动词用单数吖。如
A set of keys is on the desk. 有串钥匙在桌子上吖。
14. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? 哪个在失物招发箱里的电子机是你的吧?
in the lost and found case 在失物招发箱里
Unit4 Where’s my backpack?
1. 议论物品的职位
Where’s + 单数物品吧?t’s + 介词短语.
Where are + 复数物品吧?They’re + 介词短语.
1) Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack. 棒在哪吧?在背包里吖。
2) Where’s my computer game? It’s under the bed.我的电子机在哪吧?在床下面吖。
3) Where are your books? They’re on the chair.你的书在哪吧?在椅子上吖。
4) Where are the keys? They’re on the dresser.钥匙在哪吧?在妆扮台上吖。
名词前已有做定语的this, that, my, your, some, any, each, every等代词,则没必-要冠词吖。
2. 表职位的介词
on 在上(两者相来往)
in 在里
under 在下面(正下方)
3. Come on, Jack拉! 快点儿,杰克!= Hurry (up), Jack拉!
4. Gina’s books are everywhere. 吉娜的书随处全是吖。
5. I don’t know. 我不知道吖。
6. take sb/sth to + 地址把某人/某物带到某地吖。
take “带走,拿走阿”表现从近处带到远处,从谈话者的场所带到别的场所吖。
7. Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东-西到学堂吧?
8. some和any(一些)
1) some一样平常用于一定句,any用于否认句和不明确的场所句
2) 在表现乞求.建议.乞求看法等含蓄语气的不明确的场所句中,用some而没必-要any吖。
①Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东-西到学堂吧?
②Would you like some apples? 你要一些苹果吧?
9. on the wall与in the wall(在墙上)
图画.黑板.风-筝等“在墙上阿”,是由于她们在墙的表-面,故用on the wall吖。
门窗.钉子.洞.孔等“在墙上阿”,是由于她们在墙的内里,故用in the wall吖。
10. 名词一切格
在英语中,当咋们讲明“我的阿”“你的阿”“他的阿”时,用代词my, your, his等吖。如果要表现“某个(些)人的阿”时,能够在某个(些)人后加’s来表现一切关系系,这类形势咋们称为一切格吖。如Mike的父亲Mike’s father, 我妈逼名字my mother’s name
△ 组成1)单数名词加’s. 2)以s结尾的复数名词加’读音不变吖。
the teachers’room(导师们的闺房)
△ 表共统一切,在最终一位名词后加“’s阿”吖。
Jim and Tom’s mother 吉姆和汤姆的母亲(共统一切)
△ 表各自一切,在每逐一位名词后加“’s阿”
Jim’s room and Tom’s room are both big. 吉姆的闺房和汤姆的闺房都太大吖。(各自一切)
Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?
1. Do you have? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
Do they have? Yes, they do. /No, they don’t.
Does he have? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.
Does she have? Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.
2. do/does
Do you have a soccer ball? 你有吧?
I don’t know. 我不知道吖。
Does Jim have a sister? 吉姆有妹妹吧?
What does he like? 他喜欢什么吧?
He doesn’t like English. 他不喜欢英语吖。
I do my homework every day. 我每一天都做全家作业吖。
Bob does his homework every day. 鲍勃每一天都做全家作业吖。
3)在一样平常现在时中,do/does 可用来替换上文出-现过的动词,以免重复吖。
Do you have a soccer ball? 你有吧?Yes, I do. 是的,我有吖。(do 代have)
Does she have an eraser? Yes, she does.
I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 我有无,但我的老哥艾伦有吖。
3. Let’s do sth. “(让)咋们做某事吧吖。阿”表现建议吖。(let’s = let us)
一定回覆一样平常用That sounds good.(那听起身很好)/OK.好的 / All right.好的 / Great.好极了/ Good idea. 好主意
否认回覆一样平常用sorry, I
4. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
5. We’re late拉! 咋们晚点了!
be late for…. ……晚点
Don’t be late for school. 不-要入学晚点吖。
6. play + 类名词打/踢……(注重类行-动没必-要冠词)
play ping-pong/basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccer
7. sound
1) 联系动词,“听起身阿”,后接形容词做表语吖。
That story sounds very interesting. 那以前经历的事情听起身很意义吖。
The sound is too loud. 声音太大了吖。
8. We play it at school with our friends. 咋们和咋们的同伴在学堂踢吖。
1)at school 在学堂
2)with “和拉;与拉;跟……在一块阿”
9. It’s easy for me.这对我来说挺简易的吖。
Is this apple for me? 这个苹果是给我的吧?
Here is a letter for your mother. 这儿有你妈逼一封信吖。
Do you need bags for sports? 你需要行-动包吧?
I need a cup for milk. 我需要一位装牛奶的水杯吖。
For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉吖。
For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors.女子们能够买到种种色的T恤衫吖。
You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 你能够买到每一双只卖5美圆的袜子吖。
5)for oneself 亲自
Come and see for yourself. 你亲自来看看吧吖。
10. sports club 俱乐部
sports meeting 行-动会拉;sports shoes 行-动鞋
11. play/do sports 做行-动
12. watch TV看电视
13.on TV/on the radio/on the computer/on the phone 在电视上/在收音机上/在电脑上/在电上
14. every day 每一天
She plays sports every day. 他每一天都做行-动吖。
everyday English 一样平常英语
15. after class 下课后 after school 下学后
16. 辨析interesting与interested
1) interesting可做表语,指某人/事/物自身意义拉;也可做定语装饰人或者物
① The book is interesting. 这书很意义吖。(做表语)
② I have an interesting book.我有本心义的书吖。(做定语)
2) interested用于be/get/become interested in…(对……感兴趣)这一结构中吖。
He is interested in playing football. 他对踢感兴趣吖。
17. 时态概说
I am 14 this year. 今年我14 岁吖。
I was 13 last year.去年我13 岁吖。
He plays soccer every day.他每一天都踢吖。
He played soccer yesterday.近来他踢了吖。
时态包罗两方方面面的原因,一为“时阿”立刻刻,一为“态阿”即办法吖。从时刻上看,英语时态有现在.以前.未来.以前未来之分拉;从办法上看,每一时刻间内的动做体现办法又有一样平常.举行.完结.完结举行之别吖。动词表现的动做能够发生于四种区别的时刻,体现出四种区别的办法,每一种“时刻---办法阿”组成一种时态,因而英语中共有16 种时态吖。
18. 一样平常现在时
一样平常现在时表现现在的状态,如He is 12. She is at home.
表现经常的或者习气性的动做,如I go to school at 7:30 every day.
表现主语具有一些性格和才气等,如She likes apples. They know English.
Unit6 Do you like bananas?
1. like 喜欢
1)like sb. / sth. 喜欢某人/某物
2) like to do sth. 喜欢/要做某事(表一次性或者特指的某一详细的动做)
3) like doing sth 喜欢做某事(表习气性的动做或者兴趣)
①我喜欢每一天打篮吖。I like playing basketball every day.
②今天太冷,我喜欢呆在家里吖。Today is cold, I like to stay at home.
2. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吧?
3. 名词的分类
1)名词分为“专著名词阿”和“普通名词阿”两大类吖。专著名词是个体的人.东西.地址等专有一些称呼,如Gina, China吖。专著名词的第一位字母要大写吖。
①私人名词表现某类人或者东-西中的私人吖。如pen, student, apple吖。
②公司名词表现许多私人组成的会合体吖。如family, class吖。
③物质名词表现无法分为私有物质吖。如water, broccoli等吖。
④形象名词表现动做.状态.质量.情感等吖。如work, happiness等吖。
①glass C. 水杯 U. 玻璃 orange C. 橘子 U. 橘汁
chicken C. 小鸡 U. 鸡肉拉;fish C. 鱼 U. 鱼肉
③salad, ice cream, food, fruit做总称讲是不行数名词,做种类讲是可数名词吖。
She likes hamburgers, salad and apples.
a salad of tomato
4. good / well
1) good adj. “好的阿”,经常使用来装饰名词,也可放在系动词后做表语吖。
a good student 一位好學生
That sound good.(表语)
①adj. “好的阿”,“安康的阿”(指身体好)
He doesn’t feel well. 他感受不恬静吖。
②adv. “好阿”经常使用来装饰动词,放在动词以后吖。
He learns English well. 他英语学得好吖。
5. 许多
1) lots of = a lot of 装饰可数或者不行数名词吖。
lots of / a lot of bananas
lots of / a lot of water
many boys many bananas
much water much broccoli
6. think about 思索拉;思考
7. sports star 明星
sport做装饰语时一样平常用复数形势吖。如sports meeting 行-动会拉;sports shoes 行-动鞋
8. ask sb about sth. 讯某人关于某事的情形
He asked me about the meeting. 他我关于行-动会的一些情形吖。
9. What do you like for breakfast? 你早饭喜欢(吃)什么吧?
10. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples.= She likes eggs, bananas, and apples for breakfast. 他早饭喜欢吃鸡蛋,香蕉和苹果吖。
sb likefor + 某餐 = For + 某餐,sb. like(某人某餐喜欢吃什么)
11. one last question 最终一位疑
12. I don’t want to be fat. 我不愿变胖吖。
want to be… “要变成……拉;要变得……阿”,动词be后接形容词或者名词吖。
Do you want to be a teacher? 你想变成一位导师吧?
I don’t want to be old拉! 我不愿变老!
Unit7 How much are these socks?
1. 讯价
1) How much is + 单数商品吧?
How much are + 复数商品吧?
It’s +
They’re +
2) What’s the price of + 商品吧?
It’s +
2. how many/how much
讯数目how many + 可数名词,how much + 不行数名词
1)你有几多苹果吧?How many apples do you have?
2)你要几多水吧?How much water do you want?
3. socks袜子, shoes鞋, shortts裤子, trousers裤子等全是成双成对的物品,一样平常以复数形势出-现,做主语时谓语动词用复数形势吖。但她们和a pair of (一双.一副或者一对)连用做主语时,谓语动词要与pair在数上相似吖。
The shorts are Tom’s. 这条短裤是汤姆的吖。
The pair of shorts is Tom’s. 这条短裤是汤姆的吖。
4. 英美等东方国家的币单元像dollar(美圆).cent(美分).pound(英镑).penny(便士).shilling(先令)等有单复数转变吖。我国的币单元元(yuan).角(jiao).分(fen)单复数一样吖。
100 dollars is quite a lot of money for him. 100美圆对他来说是与十分多的吖。
5. Can I help you? 我能帮-助你吧?
一定回覆Yes, please. …
否认回覆No, thanks. (…)
与Can I help you?同义的经常使用讲明另有What can I do for you?/May I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you?
6. want sth 要某物
want to do sth. 要做某事
want sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事
7. Here you are. 给你吖。
8. It looks nice. 她看起身很美丽 吖。look“看起身拉;看去上面阿”,联系动词,后接形容词做表语吖。
9. I’ll take it. 我买了吖。
10. 表谢谢的用语Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Many thanks.
回覆谢谢的用语That’s all right / That’s OK. / Not at all./ You’re welcome.
11. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale拉! 咋们在大甩卖,快来买衣服!
1)come and do sth 来做某事
Come and see us. 来造访 / 看看咋们吧吖。
Please come and have dinner with us. 请来跟咋们吃顿饭吧吖。
2)on sale 廉价发售
for sale 发售
12. We sell all our clothes at very good prices. 咋们卖的一切服装价都很优惠吖。
at very good prices 以合优惠的价
13. for的用法
Is this apple for me? 这个苹果是给我的吧?
Here is a letter for your mother. 这儿有你妈逼一封信吖。
Do you need bags for sports? 你需要行-动包吧?
I need a cup for milk. 我需要一位装牛奶的水杯吖。
For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉吖。
For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors. 女子们能够买到种种色的T恤衫吖。
You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 你能够买到每一双只卖5美圆的袜子吖。
5)for oneself 亲自
Come and see for yourself.你亲自来看看吧吖。
14. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物
buy my mother a sweater = buy a sweater for my mother 给我妈妈买了件毛衣
△sth如果代词,只能用buy sth. for sb. 如buy it for him
15. have a look at = look at 看一看
Unit8 When is your birthday?
1. months 月份
January 一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月
2. 基数词变序数词口诀
一.两.三,希奇记,first, second, third;
八去t,九去e,ve要用f替 (eight—eighth, nine—ninth, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth)
遇到整十来结尾,肯定将y变ie再加th; (twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth)
如果碰上几十几,只变个位就能够 (twenty-one---twenty-first, thirty-four—thirty-fourth)
3. date of birth(出出世的日子期)= birthday
4. Happy birthday拉! 出世的日子开心!
5. 年龄用how old +be + 主语吧?主语 + be + 基数词(years old)
1) ---How old are you?=What’s your age? 你多大了吧?
---I’m fifteen(years old) 我15岁吖。
2) ---How old is the baby? 这个婴儿多大了吧?
---He is 10 months old. 他10个月大吖。
6. When is your birthday? 你的出世的日子是什么时刻吧?=What’s the date of your birth?
7. at / on / in 表时刻“在……阿”
1)at一样平常表在某个点时刻吖。at 8:00 在8:00拉;at 9:25 在9:25
on September 1st 在九月1日
on a cold morning 在一位严寒的早上
in 1979 在1979年
in September 在九月份
in spring在春天
△ 表时刻at < on < in
at dawn在早晨拉;at noon在中午拉;at night在夜晚拉;at sunrise在早晨/日出时拉;at Christmas在圣诞节拉;at lunch time在吃中饭时拉;at this / that time在这/那时拉;at the age of 20在20岁时拉;on weekend(s)在周末拉;in the morning / afternoon / evening在早上/下午/夜晚
8. see you./ Goodbye / Bye/ Bye-bye再见
see you later 转头见拉;过一下子见吖。
see you tomorrow/next week. 再过一天见 / 下周见
see you then. 到时见吖。
9. have a good time = enjoy oneself(oneself要随主语的转变而转变) = have fun
They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun. 你们正玩得开心吖。
10. 种种节日的英语
1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)
二月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)
3月8日主妇节(International Women's Day)
3月12日祖国植树节(China Arbor Day)
4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)
4月5日明丽节(Tomb-sweeping Day)
五月1日休息节(International Labour Day)
五月4日祖国青少年节(Chinese Youth Day)
6月1日 儿童节(International Children's Day)
8月1日祖国农民解放军建军节(Army Day)
8月12日青少年节(International Youth Day)
10月1日国庆节(National Day)
1二月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)
五月第两个星期天母亲节(Mother's Day)
6月第三个星期天父亲节(Father's Day)
10月的第两个星斯一加拿大感谢节(Thanksgiving Day)
11月最终一位星期4美国感谢节(Thanksgiving Day)
阴历正月月早春节(the Spring Festival)
阴历正月十五元宵节(the Lantern Festival)
阴历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)
阴历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)
Unit9 My favorite subject is science.
1. What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么吧?=What subject do you like best?
My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的学科是数学吖。= I like math best.
1)favorite前肯定要用形容词性物主代词或者名词一切格一块来装饰以后的名词吖。不行依照汉语意义而用人称代词如I, He 等吖。
What’s Gina’s favorite subject? Gina最喜欢的学科是什么吧?
Her favorite subject is math. 他最喜欢的学科是数学吖。
2)favorite n. 最喜欢的人或者物(复数形势是favorites)
These clothes are my favorites. 这些衣服是我最喜欢的吖。
Which color is your favorite? 哪种色是你最喜好的吧?
2. Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学吧?
Because it’s interesting. 由于她很意义吖。
3. ---How’s your day? 今天过得怎么样吧?
---It’s OK.还行吖。/Great拉! 棒极了!
4. have + 学科上某一学科的课吖。
have English 上英语课
have a class / lesson 上课
have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早饭 / 中饭/ 晚饭
have a soccer game 举行竞赛
have a school trip 睁开校外行-动
have a party 举行派对拉;举行聚会
5. That’s for sure. 确实这样吖。
6. be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
I’m busy with my homework. = I’m busy doing my homework.我在忙着做全家作业吖。
He is busy writing a letter. 他在忙着写信吖。
7. interesting / funny
English is interesting. 英语很意义吖。
I find this book interesting. 我觉察这本书很意义吖。
This is a funny movie. 这是一部搞笑的影片吖。
8. from … to … “从……到……阿”,用来表述时刻.地址等范围吖。
from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五
from Beijing to Shanghai 从北京到上海
9. for + 一段时刻表(某个动做或者某种状态)连续了多长时刻吖。
I played with him for two hours. 我和他玩了两个小时吖。
10. Is that OK with you? 那对你来说适合吧?
11. It’s Tuesday, November 11. 今天是11月11日,星期两吖。
12. be strict with sb. 对某人乞求严酷
be strict in sth. 对某事(在某方方面面)乞求严酷
1) Our English teacher is very strict with us.
2) Our English teacher is very strict in our homework.
13. play with 和一块玩
14. look, see, watch, read
2)see 用做及物动词吖。以后直-接接宾语吖。“看见,看到阿”重伸看的结局吖。“看医生阿”“看电影阿”经常使用这个词吖。
① He looks at the blackboard, but can’t see the words.
② see the doctor 看医生
③ see a film/movie 看电影
3)watch为及物动词吖。“观-看,凝望阿”指十分负-责 专心 专心致志地看吖。“看电视阿”“看竞赛阿”习气用这个词吖。
① watch TV看电视
② watch the football game 看竞赛
read a book看书拉;read the e-mail读这封电子邮件拉;read a newspaper看报纸
15. 辨析interesting与interested
① The book is interesting. 这书很意义吖。(做表语)
② I have an interesting book. 我有本心义的书吖。(做定语)
2)interested用于be/get/become interested in…(对……感兴趣)这一结构中吖。
He is interested in playing football. 他对踢感兴趣吖。
16. on weekends 在周末
17. play the guitar 弹吉他
play erhu 拉两胡
play chess 下象棋
play soccer 踢
18. join / take part in 参与
take part in多指参与某项行-动,并在这个内里起肯定的效果
join the Party入党拉;join the army从军
take part in the meeting 参与开会
join in(参与某项行-动) = take part in
join sb.参与到某人之中 join us参与到咋们之中
19. 辨析speak, say, talk, tell
① 做及物动词,只能接某种语言做宾语speak + 语言 “说某种语言阿”吖。
② 做不及物动词,“讲话,讲话阿”
She is speaking. 他现在讲话/讲话吖。
I can say ABC. 我会说ABC.
say hello to sb. 向某人请安
say sorry to sb. 向某人性歉吖。
say it in English用英语说(她)吖。
① talk to sb. 对某人谈话
② talk with sb 同某人攀谈
③ talk about/on… 议论……
① tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 通知某人某事
② tell sb. about sth. 通知某人关于某事
③ tell sb. to do sth. 通知某人去做某事
tell sb. not to do sth. 通知某人不-要做某事
④ tell a story 讲以前经历的事情
tell a lie 说谎
tell the truth讲真话
20. Help Wanted 追求帮-助
Teachers Wanted 聘讨老师
Waiters Wanted 聘用处事员
21. be good with sb 和某人相处得好(同义get on well with sb.)
be good to sb 对某人好 My teacher is good to me.
be good for 对……有益 Learning English well is good for us.
be good at 善于…… Lucy is good at English.
22. help
1) n. 帮-助 Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮-助吖。
2) v. 帮-助
①help with sth. 帮着做某事 Please help with my homework.
②help sb. with sth. 帮-助某人(做)某事 Could you help me with my English?
③help sb.(to) do sth.帮-助某人做某事 Could you help me (to) learn English?
23. 选择不明确的场所句用or 联接的可供选择的不明确的场所句吖。回覆选择不明确的场所句不行以用yes 和no,选择什么什么吖。读选择不明确的场所句时,or前用升调,or后用降调吖。若选择不明确的场所句中有三个或者三个以上并列部-分,or用来联接最终一部-分,前面并列部-分用逗号离隔吖。
---Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar?
---I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴吖。
Which is the smallest, the sun, the moon or the earth? 哪一位是最小的,太阳,月-亮仍然地吧?
24. 辨析little, a little, few, a few
1)little, a little装饰不行数名词拉;few, a few装饰可数名词吖。
2)little, few表否认含意“全部有无阿”,a little, a few表一定含意“一点儿,少许阿”
25. go to school去入学
go to the school 去学堂
in hospital在住院
in the hospital在医院里
26. get up 起床
go to bed 睡觉
27. what time / when
均可对时刻举行提,表现“什么时刻阿”吖。what time用来讯详细的时刻点拉;when既可用来讯详细的时刻点,还可用于讯时刻段吖。
What time / When do you usually go to school? 你一样平常几点去入学吧?
2)讯钟表现的详细时刻时,只能用what time, 不行以用when吖。
What time is it?几点了吧?=What’s the time?
3)讯年份.月份.日期等非点时刻时,只能用when,不行以用what time吖。
When is the Music Festival? 音乐节是什么时刻吧?
28. 叹息句
what+a / an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其余 !
What + 形容词 +可数名词复数/不行数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其余
①What a good boy he is拉! 他是一位非常好的男孩啊!
②What an interesting book it is拉! 多意义的书啊 !
③What delicious broccoli (it is)拉! 多好食的花椰菜啊 !
④What beautiful flowers in the garden 拉! 花园中的花式非常美丽 啊 !
How + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其余 !
How interesting the book is拉! 这书多意义啊 !
How beautiful the flowers in the garden are拉! 花园中的花式非常美丽 啊!
How well he draws 拉! 他画许多好啊 !
29. People love to listen to him拉! 人们喜悦耳他(演奏)吖。
The people there are teachers. 那里的那些人是导师吖。
2)hear / listen to
listen to“听……阿”重伸“听阿”的动做,没必-要定听见拉;
① Please listen to me. 请听我说吖。
② I can’t hear. 我听不见吖。
30. Can you think what his job is? 你能想出他是做什么工做的吧?
what his job is是think的宾语,因她也是一位句子,故称宾语从句吖。宾语从句如果希奇不明确的场所句,不明确的场所词以后的部-分运用述说句语序吖。
Do you know how old he is?
I want to know what your name is.
31. best wishes 致以最美妙的祝愿
① best wishes to sb. 向某人致以最美妙的祝愿
Best wishes to you. 向你致以最美妙的祝愿吖。
② best wishes for + 节日 “致以……节日最美妙的祝愿阿”
Best wishes to you for Teachers’Day. 向你致以老师节最美妙的祝愿
32. 时刻讲明法
8:00 eight (o’clock)
9:05 nine o five
7:15 seven fifteen
7:30 seven thirty
6:45 six forty-five
① 分钟数≤30用“分钟数 + past + 小时数阿”来讲明(即几点过了几分)
15分经常使用a quarter(一刻钟,四分之一)来表现
9:05 five past nine
8:24 twenty-four past eight
7:15 a quarter past seven (fifteen past seven)
7:30 half past seven (thirty past seven)
② 分钟数>30用“(60-分钟数)+ to + (小时数+ 1)阿”来讲明(即几点差几分)
7:31 twenty-nine to eight
8:45 a quarter to nine (fifteen to nine)
9:55 five to ten

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